Chess Valley Walk

The Chess at Sarratt - copyright Allen BeecheyOne of the best ways to appreciate the River Chess is to walk its length along the Chess Valley Walk - part of the route was included as one of the top 20 Christmas Walks in The Times. Download it here (PDF, 562 KB). The walk is a 10-mile route which can be undertaken from Chesham to Rickmansworth, or vice versa. Both towns are on the Metropolitan tube line, adding to the convenience of this linear walk. For a shorter walk, the route can be joined at both Chalfont & Latimer or Chorleywood stations.

The Chess Valley walk provides a combination of beautiful and varied scenery and opportunities to view wildlife. In addition, there is the chance to discover some of the history of the valley, including passing the site of a Roman farm villa and the 18th century tomb of William Liberty in splendid isolation in the countryside. There is also the opportunity to visit the last working watercress farm in the Chilterns at Sarratt.

Meades Water Gardens - copyright Allen Beechey

The walk is way-marked and there are interpretation boards with historical and natural history information along the route. Chesham is the first Walkers Are Welcome Town in the Chilterns, so walkers are encouraged to visit the town and there are plenty of pubs for walkers to quench their thirsts! Visit the Walkers Are Welcome pages to discover more walks that include the River Chess in Chesham.